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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Elephants in the Room

As we are approaching the 2012 presidential election, Republican candidates are vying for the G.O.P's nomination.  Here is a run-down of some of the most prominent candidates.

Michele Bachmann
Bachmann's top priorities are to "
  • Restore our economy and create millions of new jobs.
  • Repeal Obamacare and its unconstitutional mandates.
  • Achieve deep cuts in spending to reduce America's debt.
  • Strengthen the family and defend marriage.
  • Rebuild respect for America as the shining city upon a hill."
She has developed  the "American Jobs: Right Now" plan, which is an eleven- stage plan to create more jobs for American citizens.  This plan includes cutting government spending, cutting taxes, securing the U.S- Mexican border, stimulating innovation, and repeal both Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank Act.

Bachmann is currently ranked 6th in polls for the GOP nomination.

Herman Cain

Herman Cain's focus is primarily on Foreign Policy and the economic situation. 

Cain's plan, the "9-9-9" plan is an economic plan centered around the idea of a 9% flat business tax, a 9% flat individual tax, and a 9% national sales tax.  This plan also includes repealling the death tax, reducing governement regulation on the economy, and works toward the Fair Tax system.

Herman Cain is currently ranked 3rd in polls for the GOP nomination.

*Cain has suspended his campaign.

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is focusing on:
  • Job Creation
  • The Economy
  • American Energy
  • The Right to Life
  • Illegal Immigration
Gingrich's plan is the 21st Century Contract with America.  This plan includes a list of Executive Orders to be issued on Newt's first day in office if he is elected, as well as promises to stengthen the dollar, repeal Obamacare, stop tax increases, create jobs, secure the U.S-Mexico border, be open about military activity, and use military activity "judiciously and with clear, obtainable objectives understood by Congress."

Gingrich is currently ranked 1st in polls for the GOP nomination.

Jon Huntsman Jr.

Jon Huntsman's focuses are:
  • The Economy
  • National Security
  • Energy Security
  • Financial Regulatory Reform
Huntsman's plan includes tax reduction, reducing government regulations such as Obamacare and EPA regulations, increasing foreign trade, rebuilding America as an even more dominate military force, and supporting American energy.

Jon Huntsman currently ranks 8th in polls for the GOP nomination

Ron Paul

Ron Paul's focuses are:
  • Abortion
  • Healthcare
  • Taxes
  • National Defense
  • Right to Work
  • Immigration
Ron Paul's plan, the "Plan to Restore America" involves cutting spending, reforming entitlements, abolishing the death tax, extending Bush tax cuts, lowering the corporate tax rate, and repealing Obamacare and Dodd-Frank.

Paul currently ranks 4th in polls for the GOP nomination.

Rick Perry

Perry's focus is on:
  • Jobs
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Security
  • Healthcare
  • Social Issues
Rick Perry plan to cut taxes, reduce regulations, cut spending, "pursue peace through strength", repeal Obamacare, and defend marriage and the 2nd Ammendment.

Rick Perry currently ranks 5th in polls for the GOP nomination.

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney's campaign focuses include:

  • Jobs
  • Healthcare
  • Foreign Policy
Romney plans to reduce taxes, reduce government regulations, retrain workers, repeal Obamacare, and use military influence internationally.

Mitt Romney currently ranks 2nd in polls for the GOP nomination.

Poll standings are taken from Real Clear

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