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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Issue with Abortion

Abortion- the "termination" of a pregnancy.  This definition, sadly is how many people across America and across the globe have justified widespread cold-blooded infanticide.  The simple fact of the matter is that abortions kill an unwanted fetus.  It is the murder of an innocent child.

Saline Injection Abortion
Unborn children develop very quickly.  From conception, it only takes four weeks for the head and face to develop in a baby.  By the fifth week, the baby has the beginnings of arms and legs.  And only eight weeks into pregnancy, the human child has already developed all major organs, with the exception of sex organs.  Furthermore, the beginnings of a child's brain, the neural tube, begins to develop only sixteen days after conception.  The brain itself has started to develop merely twenty seven days after conception.  After week five, the central nervous system of the baby begins to fire synapses. (A synapse is a signal that occurs between two nerve cells that is vital in all sensation, perception, movement, and thought.)  Even more reprehensible is that studies have shown that babies have the capacity to feel pain starting between 18 and 20 weeks after conception (

Even though these fetuses has the capacity to feel pain and have developed all vital human organs besides sex organs, 43 states do not prohibit abortions until at least 24 weeks or later, IF AT ALL.  20 states currently allow partial birth abortions.  This serious lack of judgement allows HUMAN infants to be MURDERED at a time when they can already feel PAIN(
A Baby Aborted via Suction Aspiration

Methods used for abortion include suction aspiration, D&C, Hysterotomy, drugs that starve the baby of vital nutrients such as mifepristone and methotrexate, saline injection, and live-birth abortions.  The suction aspiration process sucks a baby out of his or her mother's womb and tears the baby into tiny pieces (usually performed in the first trimester).  Hysterotomy involves the premature cutting of the umbilical cord, resulting in suffocation due to lack of oxygen.  Live-birth abortions can be described in a 4 step procedure.
1. the baby is removed from the womb by the legs with forceps.
2. the baby is completely delivered besides his or her head
3. scissors are inserted into the baby's skull to expand it
4. a suction catheter is inserted in order to suck out the brain of the child.

These "fetuses" that we are aborting are human beings.  They can feel the pain as they are burned to death by saline injection.  Once a baby has been conceived, it will become a human and only a human if it is allowed to develop.  A human fetus will not and can not become anything but a human, and therefore, is a human.  The only difference in the innocent child before he is born and after he is born is his oxygen supply.  Once a child is born, he is exposed to free air and can generally breathe on his own.  Before this, the child receives his oxygen through his mother via the umbilical cord.  This is the only difference.  The unborn child is still a human child and a mother has no right to "terminate" this life any more than she has the right to put a bullet through a toddler's head.

It is estimated that over 53 million babies have been brutally murdered since Roe v. Wade in 1973, and the death toll is increasing by the thousands daily.

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