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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Appeal to the Masses

Currently, the Republican Party is not viewed in a very good light.  It seems as if being conservative makes you racist, stupid redneck who doesn't care about the poor or less fortunate people in the country.  This viewpoint is, of course, inaccurate.  In fact, the conservative positions on issues such as welfare and social security support upward mobility for those who are not financially fortunate at the moment.  This is a point that the Republicans running for office need to be able to articulate so they can stop being falsely accused of supporting oppressive policies.

The current issue with our welfare and unemployment systems is that they can be abused to just pay for people to live in a state where finding a job would cause their net income to decrease.  Without ever finding a job, people simply cannot elevate themselves in society.  They get stuck in a cycle of applying for welfare or unemployment and can never reach their potential by reaching out, finding a job, and being positive contributors to society.  If these social policies were reformed to be more limited and to promote finding employment, people stuck in this ring of poverty could finally escape.  No one wants to "just get by" their entire life.  Everyone has a dream for themselves and their family is they have one.  The conservative stance on our social programs supports the living out of these dreams and aspirations.

The members of the Republican party must learn to be able to articulate this point if they wish to stop being labelled as villains.  If this point can be clearly articulated and shared with the people of America through our mass media, then the GOP will certainly gain voters in a new portion of the population.  This new and added support will greatly contribute to, and maybe even decide, many elections to come.

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