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Monday, October 24, 2011

A House Divided...

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."- Abe Lincoln
In Springfield, Illinois on June 16, 1858 Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech to the Republican Convention as they selected Lincoln to run against Democrat Fredrick Douglas where he quoted the Bible by saying "A house divided against itself cannot stand." (Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:25, Luke 11:17) in reference to the great division in America at this time.  I am now writing this article to urge the Republican Presidential Candidates to take heed of this warning.

Currently, the GOP has more than 15 formally declared Presidential Candidates.  All of them have the common goal, hopefully of making this nation a better place and all of them, also hopefully, believe that the other Republican candidates would be a better president than the Incumbent President Barrack Obama.  Now, I understand that everyone who is running believes that he or she has the best chance of winning or would do the best job, but the fact is that only one person can win the 2012 election and the Republican Party, as it now stands, is divided against itself.

There are many reason why having so many candidates could crush the Republicans' chance of winning the election.  Perhaps most detrimental to a successful campaign is the fact that all of these candidates are using money for each of their individual campaigns.  This, in itself could result in the reelection of Barrack Obama in 2012.  With so many campaigns running simultaneously, the donors to the Republican party cannot focus their donations into one campaign, which means that for every candidate the GOP supports, the other candidates loose campaign funds.  We all know how important funding is to a successful run to the presidency.

The second, or perhaps even the first example that the party is divided against itself is that the candidates are trying so hard to win the official nomination that they are slamming each other and their policies.  With this type of mudslinging within a party, everyone who is not a straight ticket Republican voter is seeing the faults of all of the Republican candidates, which makes just sticking to the status quo and voting Obama look more and more appealing.  In addition to that, the Democrats can just fly way under the radar and not be spending money to argue why the Republicans are worse candidates than Obama because the Republicans are doing it to themselves!

Finally, if the Republicans trashing themselves doesn't get across all of their candidates' weak points, the myriad of articles on news sites such as fox news and CNN will certainly paint gigantic bulls-eyes on these vulnerable points.

During the founding of this country, a common motto was "united we stand, divided we fall."  If the Republicans cannot remember this vital fact or continue to ignore it, then I fear that the house divided against itself truly will not stand.

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