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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Economic Darwinism

Capitalism, "an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market," (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) is, in my opinion, the best and most logical economic system.  In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species.  Darwin explained how species today came to be through evolution and natural selection, or survival of the fittest, only allowing the "most fit" individuals in the population survive.  In the Kingdom of business and economics, these individuals are the businesses and corporations that belong to the population that makes up the international, national, or local population.  With the capitalist system, the best businesses are naturally selected to survive.  In capitalism, only the hard-working and well-planned businesses survive.  Capitalism is Economic Darwinism.

Within a capitalist society, consumer goods are regulated by private companies.  These companies compete to offer the best goods, the lowest prices, the greatest variety, the most accessibility... well, anything really to maximize profit.  The way the system works is that the companies compete and whoever has the best business plan or battle strategy wins!  They make greater profits, which they can use to further expand and weed out their competition, and they gain a larger consumer base, leading to an increase in future profits as well.  It also causes failing companies, those who have a faulty business plan, who are not reliable, or who can not be trusted by the consumer population quickly fall apart.  So why is this a good thing?  Well, this enables future companies to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors and to be more dependable and have a better business plan in the future.  It also allows the good, hard-working, and trusted companies to grow more and to provide the best environment possible for the consumer population.

Another reason why capitalism is the most healthy economic system is that it allows for upward nobility, the American dream.  In non-free market capitalist systems, that possibility just isn't there.  However, with capitalism, anyone who has a good idea and is willing to work hard can make just about anything out of his or herself.  There is always room for new corporations and small local businesses.  A teenage boy can teach himself computer skills and make hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Without capitalism, life would not have an many golden opportunities just lurking in behind every corner.

In addition to providing opportunity, capitalism provides incentive to have lofty goals (since they are possible to achieve) and to invent incredible new ideas.  Capitalism allows inventions like computers and ipods to take place!  Without a competitive market, all of the old companies would just keep doing what they're doing and not really have to worry about cranking out new services or products.  With capitalism, it is a necessity for businesses to do this.  Therefore, capitalism has, indirectly, allowed for the creation of most of our current American culture and advances in science and technology!

The truth of the matter is that, unless the entire world became a utopia, the international market is a capitalist market and any national market that already operates with the capitalist system is set up to by more fit automatically.  Capitalism is the best system, and it actually can work for an indefinite amount of time, unlike other economic systems such as socialism, which depend on government and politics to continue to function.  The Economic Darwinism type of system will happen regardless of the wishes of politicians, so let the economy flourish as it naturally weeds out the weak businesses and promotes the good, strong ones.

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